With a view to provide authentic, fast and reliable whois look up services, ZNet Technologies Pvt. Ltd. took the initiative to start an online utility website whoisresult.com.

The main motto of whoisresult.com is to provide up-to-date information on any domain name and IP address ownership, contact information, technical information like DNS and status information if it is locked.

It performs a thorough and in-depth analysis of the records, using a very structured and hierarchical approach, by starting straight from the top i.e. IANA (The top agency governing the domain names), then makes its path through the Registry and the Registrar and ultimately to the domain name.

The following are major distinctions of whoisresult.com.

  • Provides all the information about a domain name or IP with just a single click.
  • The information provided is accurate and authoritative.
  • It performs live look-ups and doesn't use any cached data.
  • It performs both whois look up and DNS look up. Whois look up for domain names and DNS lookup for IP addresses.
  • It gives information in an easy to understand and user-friendly format, without any gibberish or technical glitches.
  • It supports all TLDs (Top Level Domains) and will also support any new TLDs, assigned by ICANN, in the future.